Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tres Amigos Reunion

Me, Alison, and Kimberly. We were roommates up at Ricks College. Kimberly is my closest cousin. We have been best friends all our lives. The 3 of us became really close friends at college and have stayed in touch. We decided to get together this summer. It is the first time that the 3 of us have been together since Kimberly's wedding 10 years ago. We decided to meet at Alison's in Newdale, ID. We had so much fun. It was great to catch up and see each other's kids.

Alison lives in the middle of nowhere, so all the kids were playing and riding bikes in the street. I wish I lived on a street like that. Noah, Jaxson, Bowen, and Weston are in this picture.
Kennady watching Alexis and Teiya playing badminton.
Cute little Hallee posing again.
Alison's husband Greg took all the kids to the park so that Alison, Kimberly, and I could go into Rexburg and get fried ice cream at Gringo's. They have the best fried ice cream in the world. It was a lot of fun. Kennady is in the yellow and is on Teiya's bike. She spent the whole time on the bike and this is where she learned how to ride.
The girls were so excited to have a sleepover in Teiya's room. They are so cute.

All of our kids. They had so much fun. Thanks for letting us crash at your house Alison!!

Sleeping Beauty Play at Finding Emily Reunion

Kyle's cousin Joe, wrote and directed the Sleeping Beauty play at the reunion. Kennady was Merryweather the blue fairy. She did such a good job. I am so proud of her. She memorized all of her lines and said that she was not scared at all. Everyone did a great job. It was cute and fun.
Jaxson waiting for the play to begin.
Hallee before the play started.
Alivia and Addison were the King and Queen. Aurora's parents.

Kennady getting ready to give her gift.
Malificent was so great. She had the perfect personality in it and the perfect costume.
Weren't they cute fairies? They each had over 30 lines to memorize. They all did really well. Penelope is the green fairy and Lexy is the red fairy.

The Farm! Finding Emily Reunion

Ernie got to get up and tell everyone about his dad's ranch. He told stories about him and his siblings and it was really fun. When talking about going to Grandma and Grandpa's, this is where all the cousins remember coming. They all have fond memories of being here. The farm was sold before Kyle and I got married and I don't know that anyone has been up there since. It was really sad for everyone to see the shape that the ranch was in. Nobody has loved it the way that Grandpa loved it since it was sold. It was fun to see all the kids running around and having fun.
The house where Grandma and Grandpa raised 6 kids.
The family brand.
Scenes around the ranch.

Finding Emily Reunion

Kyle's family had this really great family reunion called Finding Emily. Tons of work went into it and lots of people came. It was really fun. I didn't get out the camera for the first day, but this is the second day when we went to Grandma and Grandpa Field's Ranch. Kennady was at play practice. That left Jaxson to run around with Adam. I don't think that 2 little boys could have had more fun. They were both running on very little sleep and were doing great. I am so glad that they are friends.
Jaxson and Adam inside the barn.
Jaxson, Hallee, and Adam getting curious in the barn.
Lots of space to run around and be a little boy.


I love this face. She is so cute and happy most of the time. And she loves to pose for the camera.

Kennady's Kindergarten Graduation

Kennady sitting with her class getting ready for graduation to start.

Each class sang a song for the program. Kennady's class sang "Toodie Ta" It was adorable. Kennady was so excited to sing this song. She loves it.

Ms. Williams and Kennady

Lauren Forsberg and Kennady. They were in the same class and had so much fun together.

Emma Riley, Kennady, and Lauren Forsberg.

Our carpool group. Chloe Davis, Lauren Forsberg, and Emma Riley. I loved carpooling with these families. They are great and have become really close friends.

Kennady and Grandma Lu. Grandpa was able to come too, but we didn't get a picture of him. I love the support we get from our family.

Jaxson's Preschool Graduation

Jaxson was so excited for preschool graduation. He had so much fun in Miss Lisa's preschool. He learned so much and got big on me. We LOVED having him in ABC Safari Preschool.

Jaxson did such a good job on his speaking part for the program. He was the only kid who had their part memorized. His first part was "The sun shines bright. We can play outside in June, July, and August. Parades and picnics are so much fun. Summer is upon us." He said it so cute, that it has become our theme for this summer. Whenever we get busy, we just say Summer is upon us!

My girls

Kennady loves having her picture taken with Hallee.

Birthday's are so much fun!

Kennady got invited to a cooking birthday party. She had so much fun and came home with the chef's hat and apron. Kennady was really cute for a month or so after the party. She would put her apron and chef's hat on and then go around and ask what everyone wanted to eat. She would do this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What a fun party idea.

Jaxson's Preschool Mother's Day Program

Jaxson at his mother's day program. He is such a temperamental little thing. When I got there he was fighting with his teacher over whether or not he got to wear his jacket. We finally talked him into taking off the hood. Then he was all smiles. He did such a good job.

Connor, Jaxson, and Jonathan